Compassionate Therapy for Stressed-Out Adults and Teens

Drop the struggle with your overly critical mind, unhook from overwhelm, and reconnect with what truly matters.

Are you stuck playing tug-of-war with your mind?

You remember a time when things weren’t so stressful or overwhelming, and your mind wasn’t so loud with stories of blame, guilt, shame, and harsh self-judgment. Your Inner Critic has hooked you with this painful “not good enough” story. It’s been on board for a while and feels like the more you try to quiet it, the bigger and louder it gets.

It seems like you’ve tried everything to just feel better: bending over backward in relationships, achieving in work and school, to-do lists, scheduling, exercise, drugs, food, self-help, even talk therapy, and maybe more- but here’s the thing- Your mind, this Inner Critic, it just keeps getting louder, and those things you are trying-they’re not working, and your burning out.

It’s like you’ve been playing a game of tug-of-war with your mind- and the harder you try to win this match against your painful thoughts, feelings, and memories, the deeper the struggle becomes. The more time you invest in that tug-of-war match with your mind, the farther and farther you get from the people and things that matter most to you.

It doesn’t have to be this way… You can learn new ways to drop the rope with your mind, and I’m here to help.

Nancy Vargas, LCSW

Welcome! I’m Nancy.

I help stressed-out adults and teens drop their struggle with anxiety, burnout, and yes- that pesky self-critical mind. Individuals working with me in therapy build new ways to unhook from painful thoughts and feelings, heal old stories from the past that feed the current struggle, and rediscover actions that bring richness and meaning to their lives.

How I Can Help

  • ACT

    Create flexible approaches to painful thoughts and feelings to that you can drop the struggle. Connect with your values to journey toward a rich and meaningful life.

  • Mindfulness

    Become present in your daily life, despite pain and struggle. Quiet the inner critic and self-judgment through awareness.

  • Self-Compassion

    Develop an inner compassionate coach, and an alternative response to shame, anxiety, blame, and your critical part.

  • EMDR

    Build skills to calm and regulate your nervous system. Unhook from old stories from the past that feed your struggles and keep you stuck, so that you can experience relief and engage fully in the present.

Book a free phone consultation

Let’s take some time to get to know each other, your goals for therapy, and begin to develop our relationship.